The platform for health funding & payments

Connecting the worlds health funders to leading providers for better client experiences.

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Join today to better connect your clients to bookings, funding and payments.

ChiropractorsDieticiansPhysiologistsOsteopathsPathologyPhysiotherapistsPsychologistsMental Health WorkersPodiatristsOccupational TherapistsExercise PhysiologistsSpeech Pathologists& more

Powering the best health providers

Through deep integrations into existing practice management systems, HaltH works with a vetted network of leading health providers.

Powering the best health providers

Through deep integrations into existing practice management systems, HaltH works with a vetted network of leading health providers.

Powering the best health providers

AriseHealth logoOE logo2020INC logoThe Paak logoEphicient logoToogether logo

To create better experiences for your clients

Claiming and Payments

Seamless claiming and payments for your providers and admin staff - reconciled into your PMS
Real-time Funding Lookups

Clients can view available funding when booking your services
Secured Bookings

Secure bookings with a payment method to prevent risk of no-shows and late cancellations